Thus, MAlHCAD has been developed to be an equal partner to the estab lished computer algebra systems AXIOM, DERIVE, MACSYMA, MAPLE, MA lHEMATICA, MuPAD and REDUCE. Whereas MAlHCAD and MATLAB (see [4D were originally conceived as purely systems for numerical mathematical calculations, the more recent versions of both products have licensed a minimum variant of the symbolic processor of the MAPLE computer algebra system for exact (symbolic) calcu lations. The book is based on the current MA'nfCAD Version 8 Professional for WINDOWS 95/98 (see [5D. This book, which is a rrMsion and extension of the original edition publi shed in 1996 (see [2D with the German title Mathematik mit MA'nfCAD (Mathematics Using MA'nfCAD), discusses the use of the program system MAlHCAD® to solve mathematical problems with computers.