Mathcad microsoft equation 3.0 error message
Mathcad microsoft equation 3.0 error message

mathcad microsoft equation 3.0 error message

Thus, MAlHCAD has been developed to be an equal partner to the estab­ lished computer algebra systems AXIOM, DERIVE, MACSYMA, MAPLE, MA­ lHEMATICA, MuPAD and REDUCE. Whereas MAlHCAD and MATLAB (see [4D were originally conceived as purely systems for numerical mathematical calculations, the more recent versions of both products have licensed a minimum variant of the symbolic processor of the MAPLE computer algebra system for exact (symbolic) calcu­ lations. The book is based on the current MA'nfCAD Version 8 Professional for WINDOWS 95/98 (see [5D. This book, which is a rrMsion and extension of the original edition publi­ shed in 1996 (see [2D with the German title Mathematik mit MA'nfCAD (Mathematics Using MA'nfCAD), discusses the use of the program system MAlHCAD® to solve mathematical problems with computers.

Mathcad microsoft equation 3.0 error message